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Callbacks and Delegates


fullstoryDidStartSession gets invoked once Fullstory has been fully initialized and has started the recording. If called before a session is initialized, we will return a null value.

fullstoryDidStopSession gets invoked when Fullstory has been shutdown (by calling [FS shutdown])

fullstoryDidTerminateWithError gets invoked when Fullstory has been terminated due to an error

Additional Information

@protocol FSDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)fullstoryDidStartSession:(NSString *)sessionUrl;
- (void)fullstoryDidTerminateWithError:(NSError *)error;
- (void)fullstoryDidStopSession;

Example Invocation

// File: Appdelegate.m

// Set the FS delegate in `didFinishLaunchingWithOptions`
FS.delegate = self;

// Implement the optional methods
- (void)fullstoryDidTerminateWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(@"Fullstory did terminate: %@", error);
- (void)fullstoryDidStartSession:(NSString *)sessionUrl {
NSLog(@"Fullstory did start session with URL %@", sessionUrl);
- (void)fullstoryDidStopSession {
NSLog(@"Fullstory has stopped session");