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Get Session Details

Get the current session ID with FS.getCurrentSession.

Get a link to the session replay with FS.getCurrentSessionURL.

Since 1.3
Get a link to the current moment in time in session replay with FS.getCurrentSessionURL(boolean)

    now boolean optional

    Default value: false

    If true, the returned URL links to the moment in the replay when the method is invoked. Otherwise, the URL returned by the method links to the beginning of the session replay.

Special Consideration

The Fullstory SDK always fetches the latest privacy rules from the server before starting capture.

If called before a session is initialized, these methods will return null. You can register a callback to be notified of session data and get a replay link as soon as the session is ready.

public static String FS.getCurrentSession();
public static String FS.getCurrentSessionURL();
public static String FS.getCurrentSessionURL(boolean now);

Example Invocation

// Can be called from anywhere in your code to retrieve a session replay link
// Note: This will be null if called before Fullstory has fully initialized a session
String sessionUrl = FS.getCurrentSessionURL();
String sessionUrl = FS.getCurrentSessionURL(true);

Get the current session ID

String sessionId = FS.getCurrentSession();