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Version: v2

Capture Data

To begin capturing data start by installing the Fullstory Snippet. The Fullstory Snippet initializes the Fullstory Browser API and requests a copy of the FS Script. Upon successful completion of these tasks, capture will start immediately. To manually delay the onset of data capture, see Manually Delay Data Capture.

Stop Data Capture

Stop capturing a session.

FS('shutdown') can be invoked immediately after the Fullstory snippet is executed. (Call FS('restart') to begin capturing again.) FS('shutdown') is idempotent, meaning it quietly does nothing if you call it multiple times after the first invocation. If FS('shutdown') is called immediately after the main Fullstory snippet, no session will be captured until FS('restart') is called.

Once FS('shutdown') is invoked, Fullstory will no longer receive data from the user's device. However, the "shutdown" state does not persist across page boundaries in the web browser. Data capture begins automatically once the page is loaded and the snippet is executed. To persist the "shutdown" state, you must call FS('shutdown') on each page.

NOTE: The recommended approach for manually delaying capture is to use the _fs_capture_on_startup flag described below.

Additional Information


Example Invocation


Restart Data Capture

Restart session data capture after it has been shutdown.

FS('restart') is used to begin data capture again after FS('shutdown') has been called. Like FS('shutdown'), it is idempotent, meaning it does nothing if you call it multiple times after the first invocation.


Example Invocation


Manually Delay Data Capture

Depending on your setup, you might want additional control over when data capture starts. A typical example of this would be a site where user consent is required in order to capture data.

To manually delay capture, set window['_fs_capture_on_startup'] to false. When you are ready to start capture, you can call FS('start').

FS('start') is also idempotent, meaning it does nothing if you call it multiple times after the first invocation.

window['_fs_capture_on_startup'] = false;

Example Invocation

window['_fs_capture_on_startup'] = false;

// ...
// Code that needs to run before capture
// ...

// Manually start capture