Fullstory API Basics
Data Capture with the Fullstory API
The Fullstory API allows you to capture custom user and event data. This data will enrich your analysis with Fullstory by giving you additional dimensions to create segments and data visualizations that are better tailored to your specific business needs.
There are two modes of API data capture:
- Device data capture
- Server data capture
There are multiple APIs for device data capture, depending on the platform where you’ve installed Fullstory:
- Browser API
- Mobile APIs (Android, iOS, and React Native)
The Server API is a REST API that you can use to send user data to Fullstory. You can capture user data one user at a time, driven by specific events within your ecosystem (e.g. change in loyalty program status) or you can capture users in batches. Batch user import is convenient if you’d prefer to load user data into Fullstory from your customer data platform.
Users that are loaded into Fullstory via the REST API Create + Update User or Batch Import endpoints can be coalesced into known site or app visitors by calling the Identify function on the device (browser, Android, iOS, React Native) during session capture with a common user Id that is used when capturing server-side user data.
Custom User and Event Properties
Custom properties can be provided for both users and events across platforms.
For example a properties
payload containing custom key-value pairs can be included with
server-sent User data:
POST /v2/users
"uid": "xyz123",
"display_name": "Daniel Falko",
"email": "daniel.falko@example.com",
"properties": {
"pricing_plan": "paid",
"popup_help": true,
"total_spent": 14.50
The device APIs also provide a properties collection when capturing custom user or event data. More information about custom properties for the browser API can be found here and more information about server API custom properties can be found here.