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Data Model


Fullstory's data model captures user experiences and application behavior for your websites and mobile apps. Additional user and event data can be captured from server-side integrations.

Data Model


A user is a distinct visitor to your website or mobile app. Custom user data (for either identified or anonymous users) can be captured with the Set User Properties device API function (browser, Android, iOS, React Native) or the Create + Update User server API endpoint.

Learn more about users.

Anonymous Users

Visits from anonymous users from the same browser or mobile device are aggregated into a single user.

Identified Users

If users can be positively identified at a point in your app flow, you can use the Set Identity device API functions (browser, Android, iOS, React Native) or the Create + Update User server API endpoint. Multiple anonymous users identified with the same uid will be grouped under a single identified user.

Learn more about identifying users.


A session is a series of user interactions on your site or mobile app.

A website session begins when a user visits your site and it ends after 30 minutes of inactivity (or 24 hours of active session capture).

A mobile app session begins once a user launches the app and will continue until one of the following happens:

  • When the app is in the foreground (in focus) but no activity is detected for more than 30 minutes
  • When the app is backgrounded (not in focus) for more than 30 minutes
  • When the app is terminated, either via the swipe up gesture to fully close the app or if the device runs out of memory

The device API provides functions for retrieving session identifiers and replay URLs while a session is being captured (browser, Android, iOS, React Native).

Learn more about sessions.


An event captures all relevant interactions associated with a user at a point in time. This can include digital experience events initiated by the user (clicks, visits) and business analytics events (signups, email opens, orders). Custom event data can be captured using the device API Custom Event function (browser, Android, iOS, React Native) or the Create Event server API endpoint.


All events captured through a device API function will include context about the browser URL or mobile screen where the event originated.

Defined Pages

A set of URLs or screens can be grouped together into Defined Pages for analytics purposes. This grouping can be accomplished in a few ways:

  • Logical rules that can be configured in the Fullstory UI
  • Passing page names and page properties into Fullstory via the Page Properties device API function (browser, Android, iOS, React Native)
  • Fullstory machine learning model that identifies general URL patterns across similar page structures

Learn more about pages.